Fur and Foam

At home, Doglet was getting the zoomies and making a general pest of herself. Nothing that a couple of hours on the beach wouldn’t cure. So we went to the Great Ponds.

To the beach.

The Ponds are steadily filling — now spilling into shoreside parking areas.


Water is moving into the flats on the edge of Crab Creek.

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To the east of the Crab Creek bridge, where the Pond is periodically opened to the ocean, a mini-barrier beach has been formed by recent winds, creating an inches-deep “lagoon”.


A good place to explore…




One of the things we saw was an accumulation of foam.


A recent spell of strong wind had brought in wave after wave of bubbles, which built up and eventually filled a space.


Many things are told by the  patterns made in the collected froth .


You can see the history of the buildup, almost like the growth rings of trees.


The foam’s freight includes leaves, pine needles, and feathers.


Inspecting it all.


Was Coquina.

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